Pennisi Real Estate have a team of experienced sales specialists covering the Cities of Moonee Valley, Brimbank and surrounding suburbs. Our entire team is skilled in the areas of negotiation, people skills and superior customer service. We believe that a highly trained sales team is essential to our clients obtaining the highest possible price for their property.
Selling a property by private sale was, up until recently, a forgotten art. Asking sellers for thousands of dollars with no guarantee of a result is standard practice in our industry. We have a better way…
Risk-Free Selling
The real estate industry in many parts of Australia is heavily entrenched in the auction method of sale. To many agencies, this is seen as the only method of sale. Not for us. Our properties are marketed and sold very effectively by Sealed Bid auctions and sales, using a method we have come to call “risk-free selling”.
Put quite simply, “risk-free selling” is exactly what it says. If the property is not sold, the client is not charged a cent. This is contrary to the auction or regular private sale method whereby owners are asked to pay (sometimes in advance) thousands of dollars in advertising costs without knowing the likely result of the sale campaign.
The “risk-free” method puts financial risk, together with the onus for performance, back with the estate agent. This is as it should be.
Honest Quoting
When you sell your property with Pennisi Real Estate Essendon, you receive a guarantee that the selling price you are quoted will be honest and accurate. We will not BUY your listing by quoting an unrealistic price. We stand by our quoting prices; if your home sells below the price quoted, you will not be charged any commission. This means you can trust the agent’s quote.
No Fees in Advance
You don’t pay any money in advance for any reason – no exceptions! Until your home is sold, you pay nothing. Unless we do what we promised you, you do not pay anything. This means you cannot lose money if your home does not sell or if you change your mind and decide not to sell.
Typical real estate advertising damages the value of your home. As your agent, we will protect the value of your home by only bringing it to the attention of buyers who are genuine and qualified. If advertising sold your home, you would not need an agent. The type of agent that relies on advertising is not working hard enough to warrant you paying their commission.
Respect for You and Your Property
As your agent we protect your privacy and your reasons for selling. Buyers will never be encouraged to offer a low price for your home. We encourage you to mystery-shop our agency to see how we place such a high importance on respecting home sellers and protecting their interests.
Final Selling Price
The final selling price for your home will be the best market price available. If any buyer pays less than they were willing to pay, then as your agent we will forfeit the selling fee. This means you will not make the common mistake of under-selling your home.
Home Sellers Protection Guarantee
Read our Home Sellers Protection Guarantee.
Free Home Appraisals
Our property appraisals are prepared by real agents in our Essendon office with appropriate qualifications and industry experience – not robots and software programs referring to outdated online databases. Get your free property appraisal here.
Talk to a Pennisi Sales Agent
If you have any questions around our unique selling process, or would like to enquire about selling your home with Pennisi Real Estate, get in touch and we’ll arrange a convenient time to catch up and discuss your individual selling circumstances.